It's the time of year in honor of Midwinter Solstice/Yule & Christmas that many houses and towns are decorated green.... this year I urge each of us to shop that way too! Below are some gifty and shopping ideas to make it a peaceful green season for the earth and its inhabitants.
- SHOP LOCALLY- Independent stores generate 70% MORE local economic activity per square foot than chain stores! THat means that by shopping locally you're not only supporting that store but all the local businesses they support (like accountants, web site deisgners, local newspapers, local suppliers, etc), as opposed to your $$$ going to some corporate CEO living in a huge beach condo that has no desire to even step foot in your community let alone shop there too! So you ask- HOW? I don't know any local stores near me... this is where the ever friendly Google comes in handy. Search your town name plus the type of store and a plethora of local stores will pop up... example: "Anywhereville Toystores" or "Lititz Bookstores" *wink, wink*
- Go home-made! If you're not crafty enough to knit, crochet, scrapbook, cardmake etc... there is a wonderful online marketplace full of talented artisans... and you can search by area so that you buy from those in your own community (or nearby):
- Give a gift that encourages the recipient to go "green"- a tote bag for shopping filled with "green" items- cleaners, cloth napkins, recipes for organic meals, etc.... the possibilities are endless and can be designed with the recipient in mind
- Shop Fair Trade- hve a coffee or tea drinker in your family... buy them some fair trade beverages (don't forget to include the chocolate, too!)
- Give the gift of charity. Donate to a local, national, or international charity in some one elses name. "Adopt" an animal at the local zoo or park, donate to the Arbor Day Foundation and have a tree (or more) planted in the recipient's name.{ http://www.arborday.org/shopping/giveatree/giveatree.cfm?TrackingID=619} A personal favorite of mine is Heifer International. { http://www.heifer.org }
Peace and Joy to everyone this holiday season. May you have a Happy Hanukkah, a Blessed Yule, a Merry Christmas, and a very happy New Year.
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