(like I have ANYTHING in common with her! ha!)
During 2007 I picked up an old craft I had done in high school and college (cross-stitch), and began teaching myself two new ones (crochet & knitting), as well as getting my mom's old sewing machine. As someone who for 10+ years was all about career and climbing up some not-so-corporate ladders, taking time to explore the simple the pleasures of arts and crafts that for many years were a necessity for daily life, has been a great joy. In some ways I feel more connected to the earth (ya I know.. kind of hokey thinking), even with all the additional "green living" I've been doing this past year. Todd and Aaron have been great about giving me time each morning and evening to sit and stitch. Aaron loves to help hold the yarn sometimes, and likes to help with any sewing (he pretends to teach a class while I'm the demonstrator), and has even taken up cross-stitch himself.
Why am I saying all this???... cause "Little Miss Green Jeans" is going to shift in 2008. I'll still be posting about green living, but will also post more about our life and my crafting projects.
So here goes the first 2008 craft project post:
After knitting scarves for everyone in my family for Christmas presents, I took Christmas day to knit a little fun fuzzy one for myself.

I'm also now working on my own reading shawl... although by the time I'm done it will be too warm to want to wrap myself in it :)

After I get my hearts and flowers done for the February door hanger, it's back to the unfinished Christmas presents... my goal is that by summer I'll be stitching a little something just for me... of course that's gonna mean a road trip to Reading to go to Stitch'N'Stuff for patterns and supplies! (oh darn! hee hee)
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