February 21, 2008
Last night I had a SSBN board meeting. At the end some one commented on the home owner's cool new CFL's in her kitchen lamp.. they were tiny, had a regular bulb casing, and worked on the dimmer... so the message today is- CFL's are cool! (literally and figuratively).
Now in our paper recntly people have bemoaned their safety and if they really do work... so here are examples from my life that prove they really are worth it!
1) safety- you could play "monkey in the middle" with these puppies and feel safe! Todd and I moved all our lamps with the bulbs in them from the house to the apartment and not one single one broke
2) value- you bet your bippy! We have 3 that are on 24/7 here at the store... have been for 2 years and haven't had to replace them AND our electric bill has gone DOWN from when we had floods on only 6 hours a day!
so here's a link to a place that literally has thousands to choose from... they now come in all shapes, sizes, types... not just those "ugly" bulky ones (as if that should be a reason to not install them!) ...if you do nothing else this weekend... change some bulbs... the planet will thank you!
February 14, 2008
First up is the insignia collage for my dad. As you can see I'm in the
middle of 4 of the 6 that are going to be on there. I'm doing the harder parts first, then filling in the easier bits later. Right now I'm knee deep in the transportation wheel... again this is me deisgning as I go along from a JPEG printed onto graph paper... so my star and the arrows are a little wonky... but hey it is hand crafted!
Next up is the table topper for A's grandma:

This is the Stained Glass Garden design by Claudia Dutcher. I've got panel one done, and most of the outline for panel 2... this is one I keep at the store to work on.. now I've just got to get my tush from in front of the computer to the chair to do the stiching!

Last on the cross stitch front is the door hanger for next month:
It's part of the month series Flip-It Bits March by Lizzie Kate.
(sorry for the fuzziness)
And lastly.. I'm starting to knit again (I got real discouraged last month since all I can do is the knit stitch to make scarfs... but do enjoy what little I can do)... so now I'm working on Todd's scarf for next year. It's a real pretty hunterish green with flecks of yellow, blue , and mauve woven in (so far I've only gotten to the yellow bits... blue is coming up on the skein soon!)

February 06, 2008
Thin Places....

- The Temple Karnak in Egypt- the largest temple built by man, in Luxor Egypt. It may be man-made, but it is definitely connected to a greater power.
- Sitting on the rocks in Livorno Italy. A great place to just sit, stare at the water, and meditate.
- Rothenburg, Germany. An old walled city that has stood the test of time for over a thousand years, and is still magical in its winding walls, it's old Europe charm, and beautiful gardens.
- Hearing Aaron giggle uncontrolably. The laughter of a child is universal, and can heal many a jaded heart.
- Crafting.... I find that sitting down and cross-stitching has become my own form of meditation. I may not do it as much as I want, but when I do I feel a sense of wholeness.
February 04, 2008
Mommy's Little Clone....
"Mommy you have to come watch this commercial. Its for parents about PBS Kids and it doesn't stretch the truth"
"Mommy I'm sad that our field trip is to Giant.... that's a chain store"
And this weekend as he was sitting in a friend's car on the way to a church concert with them, he motions for his daddy to come to the window... "Daddy, they got dinner at a chain store!!!"
From the mouth of babes comes truth.... so now the green message this month:

Here are some Facts from "The Big Box ToolKit" based on the fabulous book BigBoxSwindle By Stacy Mitchell:Locally Owned vs. Chain: The Local PremiumWhile dollars spent at locally owned stores stimulate the local economy, dollars spent at chains are siphoned out of the community.
Have fun shopping local this month and in turn supporting YOUR local economy and not some CEO in Florida's luxurious lifestyle!
(coming later this week: My Thin Places..... NOT dieting tips!)