February 04, 2008

Mommy's Little Clone....

One of the first things Mr. A learned to say when he was but a toddler was "Mommy is a Bad Influence"... um yeah! I may look all sweet and innocent, but we know I have the heart of a trouble maker. Well now my little man has heard my liberal diatribes over mass consumerism and has taken them to heart. Here are some recent Aaron moments

"Mommy you have to come watch this commercial. Its for parents about PBS Kids and it doesn't stretch the truth"

"Mommy I'm sad that our field trip is to Giant.... that's a chain store"

And this weekend as he was sitting in a friend's car on the way to a church concert with them, he motions for his daddy to come to the window... "Daddy, they got dinner at a chain store!!!"

From the mouth of babes comes truth.... so now the green message this month:


Here are some Facts from "The Big Box ToolKit" based on the fabulous book BigBoxSwindle By Stacy Mitchell:Locally Owned vs. Chain: The Local PremiumWhile dollars spent at locally owned stores stimulate the local economy, dollars spent at chains are siphoned out of the community.

Have fun shopping local this month and in turn supporting YOUR local economy and not some CEO in Florida's luxurious lifestyle!

(coming later this week: My Thin Places..... NOT dieting tips!)


Anonymous said...

That's my good little activist boy! Tell him Karen said keep reminding everyone. :) And that his picture on my wallpaper is getting lots of compliments.

jessie said...

hi sam!!

love, jessie